Friday, August 12, 2011

bitter taste of agony 3

Im here. BARELY. but im here. the BITTER taste of AGONY drips from my tongue.
i close my eyes to see everything dissapear
fading into darkness
just like me
falling faster and faster
oddly its in slow motion
everything is just beyond my reach
alone, imprisoned by my own life
shackeled by my own fear
suffocating with shame
vomitting with scorn
maddened by the silence
completely raw
numb to this life.

These last 3 post seem to be so dark so depressing, please dont worry i am happy and  well!! this is a littel preview to the book    i wrote that is in the process of being in your hands sometime soon.
My book is raw and gritty, painful. But that is what makes the 2nd half so amazing and worth the risk of bareing my heart, my soul my pain, my life ,worth the risk of being 'exposed'. i love a joyful triumphant ending! But if i can bring hope to the hurting, a little light in this dark world, and just a little comfort to someone who thinks they are alone to assure them they are not , even if it's just one person, that is enough for me, that and knowing that i have said yes to God and letting him in to heal and knit together a heartfelt true story of hurt, abuse, shame, etc. into overcoming, courage, strength but not without a few tears and fists in the air along the way! oh and i almost forgot to add FORGIVENESS.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I'm dumbstruck. Seriously. Like a peeled onion, with the brown, dried skin peeled off so neatly and smoothly, but then cut right in the middle that delivers a swift, almost surprising moisture in the eye, and thereafter a sniffle. Beautiful. Congratulations on this fine piece.
