Saturday, June 18, 2011

the journey begins 2

the more i start to visualize my life as this journey on the mountain its pretty amazing at all the places ive been! ive been on the top alot, and a few times i was lost wondering around in a forrest, (not so much fun, theres alot of bugs there!) ive fallen off a cliff a few times, that was painful, was lost in a canyon once or twice or a hundred times! at the time it was a litttel scary but in the end what an adventure! fell in quick sand a time or two (who knew there was quick sand in the valley), that was a struggel, i had ti fight hard to keep my head above to survive. Yep this mountain has alot of places and i havent discovered all of them yet im sure.
so today i feel like ive been on top of the mountain for awhile now, makes me a littel nervous because as ive learned this time is usually short lived (kind of like a vacation!) but not to worry, im going to embrace every breath, every moment, every bird that flies by, all the colors of the sky, i can see my self standing in the wind as it blows around me, my hair all around , hands in the air and ahhhhh.... just breathe.
I think i will be making a littel trip down the mountain side shortly, i wont be there long, just long enough to pick up a few people i know . they are there right now filling there treasure chest of memories with a few pebbles and a rock or two.maybe a boulder, but its easier to fit and carry when you chip it to pieces and its easier when there is another pick axe. then after they are all placed gently in the treasue chest we will stop bythe river to cleanse them, not with the river water but with many tears as it seems to cleanse the soul and refresh the weary mind and body. then we will journey together up the mountain and embrace the beauty of not only the sunrise as the new day approaches but but the beautiful bond of friendship and love.
even as i prepare for this trip i still feel like my feet are up on top of the mountain still, i have a renewed strenght in meand i feel at peace.

wow. life is interesting ! this isnt even what i was gonna talk about! see.. open book, i knew it, 2 days on a blog and already mushy!i wanted to tell a funny story. i have been sewing like crazy!! and creating these AWESOME jean skirts , upcyling clothing is my new thing for now, and i wanted to have  1000 to sell for Country Jam, well in a hurry for the 2nd time now i sewed the seems together! i stitched in some fun fabric on the hem and topped it off with lace, well after i ripped it all out i did it again!! uggh then i sewed a fabric patch on the back and had the hem underneath and yep sewed the hem to the butt! so if you havea friend without legs and only half a butt i have the perfect skirt for them!!!
goodnight!! and thank you for reading and going on this journey with me, hope to see you as i make a quick trip down on your way up!

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